Exhibition Kontiolahti CACIB (SF) 25.05.2024

Estfoundland Sunny Elton

Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marie K. Due Petersen (DK)
Anwartschaft: PU1, SA, Junior-SERT, SERT, JCACIB, Junior-BOB, BOB
Written critics: Very nice type of dog. Good in proportions. Pleasing head and expression. Well set ears. Acceptable eye rings. Just a bit hanging lips. Strong neck. Firm level topline. Correct tailset and tail of good length. Well matured in body. Strong front. Strong well-boned legs. Good feet. Correct coat quality. Moves and shows well. Has the correct rolling gate behind.

Private Cast Set Up With Elegance

Catalog No: 2
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Marie K. Due Petersen (DK)
Anwartschaft: PN1, SA, CACIB, BOS
Written critics: Nice type of female. Good in size and proportions. Feminine and pleasing head. Good eyes. Well set ears. Enough wide muzzle. Strong neck. Firm level topline. Correct tailset and carriage. Well matured in body. Strong and well-boned legs. Well muscled. Good coat quality. Moves and shows well.

Marwis Little Piece of Heaven

Catalog No: 3
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Marie K. Due Petersen (DK)
Anwartschaft: PU2, SA, CACIB
Written critics: 2,5 years old. Acceptable in proportions. Pleasing strong head with good expression. Good eyes. Well set ears. Correct bite. A bit loose lips. Strong neck. Level topline. Well matured in body. Strong well-boned front legs. A bit weak in pastern. Great coat quality. Moves acceptable in front.

Marwis Lessons In Love

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Marie K. Due Petersen (DK)
Anwartschaft: PN2, SA, CACIB-R
Written critics: 2,5 years old. Good proportions. Pleasing head and expression. Very feminine. Correct bite. Good eyes. Correct lips. Well set ears. Strong neck. Firm level topline. Correct tailset and carriage. Strong and well matured in body. Well muscled. Well up on feet. Correct coat. Moves and shows well.

Honkapuun Hold Your Fire

Catalog No: 5
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Marie K. Due Petersen (DK)
Anwartschaft: PN3, SA, Veteran-SERT, SERT, VCACIB, Veteran-BOB, MVA
Written critics: 9 years old. In very good condition. Good proportions. Pleasing head and expression. Correct bite. Good eyes. No hanging lips. Good strong neck. Acceptable topline. Well set and carried tail. Strong in body. A bit weak in pastern. Correct coat. Moves well.

Wishfellow Cassius Clay

Catalog No: 6
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Marie K. Due Petersen (DK)
Written critics: 3,5 years old. Would like to have a little better body proportions. Well set ears. Acceptable eyes. Correct bite. Too loose lips. Strong neck. Level back that is too long. Well set tail with good carriage. Well matured in body. Very soft in pasterns. Moves in-toed in front, acceptable behind. Nice coat quality.